Have a heart to serve!

John 13:14 “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.”
When you know how to serve you will learn how to lead. A story from the Bible that tells you all about serving.
Jesus laid aside His robe and took a towel and tied it to his waist and He poured water into a tub and began to wash the feet of His disciples .
Could you imagine our Lord Jesus washing the dirty feet of His disciples? He was never ashamed of it. He is a wonderful God.
This way He showed His disciples and to us that we should not be ashamed of serving God and others and we don’t have to worry about our hands getting dirty or what others may think about us. We can do it because Jesus Himself did it.


  1. Rajesh Chowdhury
    05 Aug 2014 06:08:55 Reply


  2. Prasanna
    05 Aug 2014 07:38:49 Reply

    YES.. AMEN We can do it Because Jesus did it….

  3. Hepsibah samuel
    05 Aug 2014 08:45:28 Reply

    Lot of things Blocks us from Humbling. But when Jesus is in our heart and we humble ourself. Everything looks new. Yes, Jesus We are ready to serve just as you have served. Amen!!!

  4. Josy Varghese
    05 Aug 2014 12:22:36 Reply

    Help us to have a serving nature .Amen!!!!

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