Obedience in Disobedience


Psalms 89:28 – My mercy will I keep for him for evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast with him.

John was scared of his father. He would sheepishly do away with a lot of things he did not like to do. He would obey because he had to. He had no choice. One day, he stepped down and wanted to do things his way. He wanted to find his own way and be able to adhere to his thoughts about everything he had.

He reacted to the way his father always told him what to do without any explanations. He had found his way because he wanted to experience a life of his own. He only wanted his father to provide him the guidance he needed and allow him to make his own choices.

Finally they had made a covenant. A promise. The father made it with his son that no matter what he would do the father would not leave his side ever.  And the boy finally for the first time felt secure and free.

This same covenant the Lord wishes to make with us but we need to let go of all strongholds in our lives and stand firm with that promise. We also need to be bold with our faith with him. Only through boldness can we break the barriers and once we do that we will walk a new walk. It won’t be secured by the materialistic idea of this world but the reigning heights of knowing the Holy Spirit truly.

Are you living in fear or are you living in boldness?


  1. Pradip Gurung
    01 Nov 2019 08:52:05 Reply

    I am encouraged and motivated and inspired and blessed send me some videso

    • Bethel Team
      16 Jan 2020 12:34:59 Reply

      Dear Pradip,
      We are so glad that you are blessed and encouraged. Y
      You can access/view all our church videos (sermon, worship etc.) on our YouTube Channel. Please subscribe to it so you don’t miss any updates.


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