Psalm 118:24–25, David declared, “This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. Lord, I pray, send now prosperity”
One of the many adorable attributes of God is this:
Even though He’s eternal, and even though He sees the end from the beginning, He’s right here with us in this moment.
We serve a God who is always present. He’s not distant, uncaring or uninvolved, and He’s ready for you to “jump in” and go deeper into the plan He has for your life.
There a lot of people who have faith for their future. They truly believe one day God is going to do something great in their lives. Unfortunately, too many of them have difficulty believing their one day — for something supernatural from God — can be today. God loves you and wants to see you “jump in” and go deeper into the plan He has for your life.
David expected great things from God and wasn’t afraid to ask for them right away. You can do the same.
God wants you to trust Him so much that you’re willing to ask like David did…with expectancy for today. Not in the past, not in the future, but right now in the present.
I know you believe God has done great things. And I know you believe God will do great things. But I ask you, do you believe God is doing great things right now…today?
I want you to have an expectation in your heart, an anticipation that something great is going to happen to you today. It’s a “jump in” attitude, one that says I want all you have for me and when you do, every day is filled with possibility and promise.
I encourage you, “Today is your day.” Set aside everything that’s holding you back so you can jump into what God has for you in this hour.
It will take courage, strength and faith to keep this attitude alive in your heart. I assure you that God will provide for you and answer your heart’s desire.
Remember today is your day to receive God’s favor!