When we have arrived, or when we look around us, at our blessings: our family and friends, our car, house, office, school and things, it is a common saying, ‘He (or she) is a self-made person’. Is it really true? Did we do it all on our own or did God have His hand over us? Did He provide blessings and grace to allow them their life and lifestyle?
We cannot consider that we have made it on our own. The scripture says – we are to forget the past, to forget and ignore the talks of people, and importantly, not pay heed to the reminding whispers of the devil. What you have confessed to God and asked for forgiveness, has been forgotten by God our Father. He doesn’t keep score. God prefers to love and forgive, as is His nature.
In the scripture, the apostle displayed his simple dependence on God and earnestness of his soul. He did not suggest that he had gained the prize, or that he was already perfect in the Savior’s likeness. He forgot the past, so that wouldn’t be content with past labors or present measures of grace. He reached forward and stretched himself; he wanted to become more like Christ. One who runs a race, must never stop short of the end, but press forward as fast as they can. Similarly, to reach heaven, we ought to press forward to it, in holy desires, hopes, and constant endeavors. We don’t have it all together and we haven’t made it to the finishing line yet. But we are well on our way, reaching out to Christ who so wondrously reached out to us. We continue to keep our eyes on the goal, where God beckons us onward—to Jesus. We are off and running and must not turn back.
God has placed His perfect desires and plans ‘before you’. God’s will is that you see and seize all that He has for you: rewards, opportunities, blessings, divine connections, godly success and more. God wants to enrich your life, to make you a blessing, but you must ‘choose’ to make it a habit – to forget the things in your past and to reach for what’s ‘before you’. It is your choice today – linger in your past glories and hurtful memories or choose what’s put before you by God’s grace.