Matthew 11:28 – “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
Rest is not a habit our generation is quite familiar with. We’re actually more acquainted with its opposite – stress! We work hard from sun up to sun down, and then work some more to finish up everything on our to-do list for the day. We plan and save for vacations, but the relief is short-lived because we have to get back to the daily grind. Even our downtime is spent mindlessly in front of technology that drains us further.
God did create us to work hard and receive a just reward, but we cannot keep going without a break and burn out. We need to stop awhile and simply rest. This is so much more than a lazy weekend spent doing nothing. True rest is found in the presence of God who understands our stress and helps us alleviate it.
You don’t have to wait for your annual vacation for some rest and recuperation. Take a few minutes every day to rest in God’s presence. Start your day with prayer and end it the same way. When it’s time for bed, lay your burdens at His feet. God will be up all night anyway. He will handle your worries so you can be at peace. The next time stress strangles your mind, pause for a second, submit it to God and rest in the knowledge that God is in control.