Acts 5:31 Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.
Are you fighting to overcome sin? Don’t fight alone. God will help you through this!
Remember that giant of a man – Goliath? For 40 days, morning and evening, he ridiculed the Israelites. Until one day, David walked onto the battlefield and brought him down with a sling and a pebble.
Too often, a similar battle plays out in our minds. Satan reminds us of our sins to stir up shame and guilt. It is hard to ignore him because, like Goliath, he is loud and boisterous. Ultimately, he is after our most valuable territory – our minds.
Even God knows the devil’s schemes. That’s why He sent His only begotten Son to destroy the curse of sin. Now, when satan reminds us of our sins, we can confidently tell him, “Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more, so that as sin reigned in death, grace might also reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ” – Romans 5: 20–21.
When the guilt and shame of sin hover over our minds like a dark cloud, let us remind ourselves that God has already forgiven and forgotten our sins. His grace is sufficient for us! Acknowledging the power of grace will make way for the Son to shine on our battlefield (our minds) and take control of our most-priced territory!
No one – not even satan – can stop the destiny that God has planned for us. Only we, through our minds, can hinder God’s plan. That’s why satan is after our minds. However, when we continually trust the grace of God, satan’s attempts will get more feeble. Let’s plant God’s Flag of Grace on our battlefield and declare victory over sin.
Remember, the Lord Jesus rose from the grave on the third day, but the power of sin was buried forever!