Word of Honour


Psalm 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

The valleys of Kashmir are one of the most beautiful sights to behold. The narrow strips of lowland are surrounded by slopes that are dusted with emerald grass and capped by rocky crags. Snowy summits tower in the distance. In between the mountains, a small stream or river flows through. Seeing one in person can take your breath away.

Mountains seasons

When we experience victories, breakthroughs, and miracles we stand at the high points or mountain seasons. When we receive that healing, a promotion, an offer letter, or a marriage proposal it is easy to get swept away and become extremely occupied. These periods can pass quickly. It is vital in these mountain seasons to savour each moment and carve out time to record the blessings we are experiencing. To slow down and soak in His goodness. The effort to be mindful during the high times comes with its reward during the low times.

Valley moments

Life, like the valley, has some low points and it can be hard to focus on the good in these times. Sometimes we walk through the valley of shadows and the dark clouds of darkness and despair hover above us. An unexpected diagnosis, a pink slip, a relationship gone sour, or a deep irreplaceable loss. Remember today that The Lord is with you. No matter how long the night, you don’t need to fear evil.

Rod of authority, Staff of comfort.

The Lord our God reigns over all powers and positions, thrones and dominions. He stands above them all. His authority and word are Final and He says Fear not. His word of honour is to prosper you and not to harm you. His staff signifies patience and kindness. Draw into it today.  The Holy Spirit is our ever-present help, He longs to comfort you. Talk to Him. He is the best comforter. Rest assured in the valleys you will find the river of God’s sustenance and provision.

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