A Loving Father’s Instructions


When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble. Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life. Proverbs 4:12-13

The above verse indicates: as a doe protects her young, as a deer safeguards its calf, as a sheep carries its toddler, so does our Heavenly Father always keep His loving eye on us. 

‘Seldom does a mother forget her nursing baby, but even if she does, our faithful Fathers love is stronger than that.’

As our Heavenly Father and a friend, He has our best interest in mind. His acts and instructions are for our protection and safety. His Word says to forsake everything and choose wisdom, and He corrects only those He loves.

Choosing wisdom and His instruction always puts us in benefits path. Choosing wisdom puts us in the path of being honored and finding favor in the sight of men and God. It’s instructions are like a roadmap for our life’s journey, following this not only helps us reach our destiny but also shapes our character, views, and inner life.

Just like a mothers soft hand loves and trains her child, so does our Heavenly Fathers love instruct us, correct us, protect us and, blesses us. Amen!



  1. Swarna Kumari
    08 May 2024 12:04:00 Reply

    praise the lord pastor today devotions before me it was rthat iprayed before going to bed actually some words was related to the daily devotions thank god nd pls pray invisible god is walking with me he talk but what he talk im not understanding pls i request uall to pray that god is actually speaking to me hope u understanding nd enemies plan should not workout up hold in prayers

  2. Dr. (Mrs,) Siji Jaimon
    08 May 2024 13:35:50 Reply

    Proverbs verse is good chapter. I have my children to learn it by heart, that way you will never disobey your father.

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