Praise amidst uncertainties


Jeremiah 20:13 NKJV

Sing to the Lord! Praise the Lord! For He has delivered the life of the poor from the hand of evildoers.

Have you ever been ridiculed for doing something right? Were you mocked for your good intentions? Have you felt like a fish swimming upstream with no one to see you through? In Jeremiah 20, the prophet laments that although he is in God’s will, he has been ridiculed, mocked, and envied.

However, consumed by God’s purpose, he considers the injustice he faces insignificant. Instead, he expresses his trust in the One who called him. Jeremiah knows that God is mighty and able to deliver him (Jeremiah 20: 11-12).

In Jeremiah 20:13, he halts from lamenting and praises God. He chooses to praise God amid the turmoil he is in. “Sing to the Lord! Praise the Lord!” He is not uttering these praises while leading a trouble-free life. Instead, it is rising from a suffering heart.

The prophet also acknowledges God’s deliverance. No matter how dire the situation, he is confident that God will deliver. He recognizes God’s sovereignty. He trusts God and knows that his experience does not limit God’s deliverance. God will come through. Through Him, we are more than conquerors and more than overcomers (Romans 8:37).

Jeremiah 20:13 should be a good reminder when we face a situation that is overwhelming and beyond our control. It’s the time to praise God, recognize His sovereignty, and trust His faithfulness. He will surely work all things for good (Romans 8:28). His deliverance is certain.

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