Peace and Access through Christ


Ephesians 2:17-18 NKJV

“He came and preached peace to you who were afar off and to those who were near. For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father.”

Today’s verses are part of a passage where Paul explains how Jesus Christ reconciled both Jews and Gentiles to God and each other through His sacrifice on the cross. Paul emphasizes the unity and peace that Christ brings. Jesus broke down the barriers that once separated these two groups, offering all people access to God.

“Those who were far away” refers to the Gentiles who were historically considered distant from God because they were not part of Israel or the covenant. “Those who were near” refers to the Jews, who received the Law and had a closer relationship with God through the covenant. Jesus came to preach peace to both groups, reconciling them to God and one another.

Through Jesus Christ, both Jews and Gentiles now have access to the Father. Jesus’ death and resurrection removed the separation caused by sin, allowing all people to come directly to God. This access is not limited to a specific group; it is available to everyone who believes in Christ. The phrase “by one Spirit” highlights the role of the Holy Spirit who brings us into fellowship with God. It is through the Spirit that everyone, regardless of their background, can approach God the Father in unity.

This scripture should encourage us to embrace the peace and unity that Christ brings. It helps us recognize the equal access everybody has to God through Jesus. It calls us to live in harmony with others, reflecting the peace that Jesus came to establish. Nobody is far from the embrace of God. Jesus came to save the lost, whether Jew or Gentile.

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