Psalm 150:5-6 NKJV
Praise Him with loud cymbals; praise Him with clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!
The book of Psalms begins with committing our ways to God in Psalm 1 and ends with the final great Hallelujah (Praise) in Psalm 150. What a glorious way to end the collection of Psalms: A life of righteousness will drift into a life of praise. King David is an inspiring example of praising God unreservedly. He gave his everything and danced like a madman in the presence of God. No wonder He was a man after God’s heart. When we walk in the ways of God, spontaneous praise springs up throughout our lives.
Though Psalm 150 is only six verses long, each verse is full of substance for our daily sustenance.
- Praise God, where?
Our journey of praise starts in our spiritual home (Sanctuary – Psalm 150:1). We are the temple of God, but what is it that fills our hearts – praise or worry? However, our God is bigger than our anxious thoughts and needless fears. Recognizing His power in our lives leads to exalting Him.
- Praise God, why?
We praise God for His marvelous creation and the gift of salvation in our lives (Psalm 150:2). There is none like Him. No words can capture what He is worth. However, all we can do is offer Him our heartfelt praises that only He deserves. We should be filled with awe and gratitude for all He has done for us.
- Praise God, how?
When we understand God’s great work, our hearts cannot be silent, and our joy knows no bounds. The psalmist encourages us to worship with music, dance and shouts of hallelujahs to the Lord. It’s impossible to contain the enthusiasm of being in the presence of the Almighty.
While there may arise moments of contemplation, when we lay everything at His feet, we will find true joy and hope. Romans 11:36 reminds us – “From Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen.”
All praises be to God Almighty. I specially convey my wishes and heartfelt thanks toyou.