A good leader


Mark 10:43:  But so shall it not be among you; but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister.

Jesus was teaching His disciples to be servant-leaders.  He was teaching them that if anybody wanted to be a leader, he should be willing to serve.  Jesus Himself was the greatest example for that.  He girded his loins and began to wash the feet of His disciples which taught the disciples a great lesson, humility and the real meaning of a leader.

Everytime  you think to be in leadership, ask yourself a question.  The question is, “Am I willing to serve”?  Being a leader is not a difficult job but to function from the platform of a leader, you need to have a servant attitude.  It does not mean that you have to be a doormat to be stepped upon or walked upon but that you should have a gentle spirit and a spirit which is willing to learn even when criticized.  Minister means a person who ministers to others and not the other way around, but sadly today’s leaders want everyone to serve them.  We need to change our attitude, our thinking, our mind and bring in us a nature that is Christ like.

With God’s help we can be effective leaders who are willing to stand up for the the right principles and value systems of life.  God’s word should be the guiding factor to guide others.  Remember, God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.  To receive grace upon grace from God, let us put on the attitude of a humble spirit and Christ-like leadership qualities.  Be blessed.


