One-minded prayer


Acts 2:1:  And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

One hundred and twenty people used to gather everyday in the upper room of Mark’s house and pray for the promised gift of the Holy Spirit.  They were all with one accord and in one place.  They agreed in their mind to wait for the Holy Spirit.  God saw their agreement and oneness of their mind and granted them their much awaited promise from Him.

The Bible says that wherever two or three are gathered together in His name, He is there.  The scriptures also teach us that whenever we go to God, we should believe that He is and that He is the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.  Whatever we ask in prayer, we should believe that we will get it as long as we are not asking it with a greedy heart.  We should show to God that we have faith and that He can raise up dead things back to life in our real-life situations.  Agreeing in our mind as to the fulfilment of His promises is very important.  There should be no trace of a doubt in our heart when we seek His face, but remember that God never answers your greed.  He answers only our needs in His time.

Have you given up praying lately? Have you ever thought that even after praying, there is no fruitition in your life? Well, do not give up.  You do your part of praying and agreeing and believing in God and God will do His part of keeping His promises and He will do it in His time and in His fashion.  Your duty is only to pray with an expectant heart and in one accord.  It just takes only your heart to believe Him and to take Him at His word.
