Choose dancing over mourning, cause then we choose Jesus.


Psalm 30:11

Only when we dance in our issues of life, will we be able to walk through these very issues of life. 

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness.

Fear cripples the blind and blindness is a disease of the soul. Only when we allow the soul to see, listen, speak and smell can we understand what it is to move out from our sorrows or problems of everything around us. The soul can reach into areas that a mere heart cannot. We keep working in our relationship with Jesus every day, but do we do it with our strength or our might. The Lord has said,’ Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit sayeth the Lord’. The soul always knows. Cleanse your heart of every malice, every bad habit, every wrong attitude, and every wrong thought. Only when we walk with Jesus and learn to see, hear and speak in the soul will we know the true spirit of our Lord. It is not a different world. It is the world we want to create, the friendship we want to build with Jesus, the relationship we desire with the Great I am. Cause even in the darkest moments of life, our mourning will turn to dancing. Our weakness in our flesh will move mountains cause it is him and we choose him. Choosing El Shaddai is choosing life over death.




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