Habit of Giving Thanks


Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men! Psalm 107:31

We may have heard the phrase ‘Attitude of Gratitude’. Many life skill coaches teach that happiness is related to gratitude. This is very true. Even, science has concluded that gratitude has positive effects on our brain and overall health.

As we reflect on our lives, we can definitely think of at least 5 things that make us grateful. It may be a new job, healing from a sickness, good marks in an exam, or even something as simple as the traffic signal not turning red while we are late. Everything, that we can ever be grateful for is from our Lord Jesus Christ.

James 1:17 says Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

Being thankful is a habit that can be developed. Our habits create our character. If we create a habit of being thankful to God, our character will change with it. We will stop having bad days because we are grateful for every day of our lives. When we start thanking God for our job, spouse, children, parents, home, we have nothing left to complain about.

As we begin this day, let us start by thanking God for this wonderful day. He has given another day in our lives. As we go through our days, there may be discouragements, defeats, and pain but we can always stop and remember the goodness of our Lord Jesus. Let us keep thanking Him and He will reveal His wonderful works in our lives.



One Comment

  1. Mary Mathew
    20 Sep 2020 05:37:33 Reply

    Praise God!! !Thanking Him for all the goodness and mercy following me. What a wonderful God we serve. 💓💓💓💓

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