Move out of comfort zone


Luke 5:4:  Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.

Jesus said to Simon Peter to launch out in the deep and to let the nets down for a big catch.  Peter had to move out of the comfort zone of the shoreline and had to do a little bit of heaving and pushing to see an exciting catch of fish that day.  All that he did was he was to obey and move out of his comfort zone.

Jesus wants to bless us all big time.  Unless we obey and understand His voice speaking to us, we will be struggling and barely surviving in the place that we love to be always, the comfort zone.  Peter’s comfort zone was the shoreline.  What is our comfort zone?  Are we so unwilling and reluctant to move out of what we hold so dear?  If we are planning to get settled in the comfort zone of our life for too long, we will be missing out on many blessings that come our way by not launching into the deep.  The “deep” is the place where there are unseen blessings.  The “deep” might not be the place where we want to be, but that is where God wants us to be.  God is not being rude to us by chasing us out of the comfort zone.  He only wants us to know that there are bigger blessings awaiting us there in the “deep.”

Do you want to receive what God has kept for you?  Then launch out in the deep.  When the launching is done from your part, then it is God’s responsibility to fill your nets with the greatest and unexpected miracle ever.  Are you willing to launch into the deep?
