A city on a hill


Believe in the light while you have the light, so that you may become children of light. John 12:36 (NIV)

John recounted Jesus’ statement to the crowds in Jerusalem. The same crowd that shouted “Hosanna!” (John 12:13) would soon cry out for His crucifixion (John 19:15). Despite understanding the hypocrisy in people (Matthew 15:7-9), Jesus desired salvation for all.

God’s love for the world led to the giving of his son, Jesus Christ, as a light to those in darkness (Isaiah 9:2). While the crowd sought blessings and signs, they were not willing to submit to God’s rule. Our pride and selfishness are barriers to God’s light shining on us. By rejecting Christ as their Savior, the crowd missed the opportunity to embrace the everlasting Light.

As children of light, we are a shining example to the world, like a city on a hill (Matthew 5:14). Our good deeds reflect God’s radiance in a decaying world. We shall not be timid (2 Timothy 1:7) but walk boldly in God’s light. Our lives should testify that our Mighty God exists because He is our greatest blessing. Through our lives, God will be glorified and exalted in the world.

Even in a world filled with darkness, walk in the light. Let’s allow our light to shine so that others can come to know God. God will empower us to be like a burning bush, never getting burnt out but shining brightly for others to have encounters with God.


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