A Father Who Cares



For after all these things the gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. Mathew 6:32 (NKJV)


“All these things” refer to food, drink and clothing which are the basic requirements for life.

“Life was not given primarily for physical pleasures but for something greater – the enjoyment of God. Life was not given primarily for the approval of man but approval of God. Life was not even given primarily for extension on this earth but for something greater – eternity with God.” – John Piper

The Greek word for seek is ‘epizteo’. It means “to crave, demand, and seek with all might with much sweat or with much stress.” The worldly mind-set runs for the essentials of life like this and the soul is never satisfied.

In John 6:35 our Lord Jesus Christ declares that He is the bread of life and whoever goes to Him never goes hungry, whoever believes in Him, never is thirsty. We are not sustained by food alone but by God’s every word.

Our heavenly Father is far better familiar with all our wants than we are and knows that we have need of these things. He does not disregard them. As a child of God, know that it is our Father’s pleasure to meet all our needs.

We are more precious than the sparrows who God feeds. He knows our very thought, He knows the number of hair on our head, He knows our deepest needs and knows us intimately. God thinks about us and His thoughts towards us are of peace, to prosper us, to give us hope and a future.


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