A Greater Miracle


Jonah 2:9 But I will sacrifice to You with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay what I have vowed. Salvation is of the Lord.

Have you brought a sacrifice of thanks to God?

It is probably the hardest thing to do. The world has tuned us to be thankful for the good that happens. And, with human logic, that makes sense, doesn’t it?

But WHY does the Bible tell us to be thankful for unpleasant incidents? What is this sacrifice of thanks, and how does it work?

Daniel refused to worship any God or human other than the great God of the Bible. As a result, the king ordered his men to place Daniel in the lion’s den.

Here was Daniel, facing capital punishment for praying to God. How could anyone expect Daniel to bring a sacrifice of thanks when he was to become an object of sacrifice within a few hours? 

But that’s what Daniel did!

The Bible says, “Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.” – Daniel 6:10

Still, it didn’t stop the king from putting Daniel in the lions’ den that “fateful” evening. But it did spark a greater miracle. An angel stepped into the den and shut the mouths of the lions, ensuring that God’s destiny for Daniel’s life prevailed.

The following morning, Daniel walked out, completely unharmed.

When we offer our sacrifice of thanks, things may not undo themselves immediately. The boss who fired us may not call back with a hefty raise, the careless driver who collided with us may not pay for the damages, and the health report may not change overnight…

But be assured that your sacrifice of thanks will not fall on deaf ears! There is a mighty God who listens to His children when we call out to Him. He feels our pain and is already in the process of orchestrating a mighty miracle.

Bring your sacrifice of thanks to Him and He will turn your sorrow into joy!


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