The Greater Reality


“He will not allow your foot to be moved; He Who keeps you will not slumber.” Psalm 121:3

In this world, we as humans, seek after earthly possessions, relationships, and satisfactions. While we wander around with our types of realities hoping to navigate life’s myriad circumstances, above us exists a greater dimension invisible to the human flesh, but more real than any reality. 

The psalmist in this verse looks towards the presence of this greater reality, he looks towards a higher point of view. The psalmist glanced towards it and had an experience with it and this encounter led to the heartfelt prayer he made, understanding the profound depths of the confessions that he proclaimed. He recognized that when he turned to this divine reality, everything changed; times shifted, opportunities blossomed, and even death was infused with life. The reality he now embraced declared, “all things are possible.” With profound recognition and wisdom thus he uttered:

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains—

    where does my help come from? 

My help comes from the Lord,

    the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Beloved, there might be  a cluster of situations you are stuck in today, but they do not dictate your reality. Your reality comes from a higher existence.  Your being is defined by the presence of a person, His name is Jesus; The Maker and Creator of life. If an ordinary teenage shepherd boy had a revelation of this existence and encountered the presence of Jesus, you too can experience the transformative power today in your life. This day is a gift, and it is your day of salvation, so embrace it with an open heart.


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