A Hope-Filled Future in Christ


Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV) “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”


We love making our own plans. Think about the time we spend planning our day, a vacation, or the next big investment. Planning is an inherent part of human nature and it is important. But did you know that God has plans for each one of us, too?

Abba Father knows you personally. He is fully aware of your desires, plans, dreams, hopes, and fears. Better than that, He knows the exact number of hairs on your head (Jeremiah 1:5). When He created you and me, He had a plan in mind. A plan that will surpass our imaginations; bringing us closer to who we are meant to be.

Does this mean we should stop making our own plans? No, not at all. Make plans but make sure to submit them to the Lord. Pray over those plans: “Lord Your Will be done, and not mine”. Then wait on Him in prayer till He answers. When we have our loving Daddy’s approval, nothing can stand against us.

God’s Word for today is clear: His thoughts towards us – and His plans for us – are perfect. They carry a certain peace; a peace that the world can never give. Isn’t that something we are all desperately seeking? Beloved friend, the Lord has planned out our entire lives ahead of time. Trust Him and He will ensure your future is filled with expectant hope.



One Comment

  1. Alice
    14 Jun 2021 15:09:16 Reply

    Amen ! Thank you for sharing this word, Pastor. Passing through some tough times and I really needed these words to assure me that God was in control and no matter what happens, it will be for my good and not harm.

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