A Hopeful Life.


“For you have been my hope, Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth” Psalm 71:5 (NIV) 

We live in a very uncertain world. People who are hale and healthy today, die the next day, people we considered as our close friends turn to be our greatest enemies, people with hundreds of followers on their social media, do not have one friend to talk about their problems with, and die a lonely death.

In this uncertain world, the words HOPE and CONFIDENCE are very rare to find among the people. But it is found in one place, and it is in the presence and the shelter of our LORD JESUS. When everything is so fake, HE is one real GOD. when everyone is dependent on money and fame, HE is sovereign of all, When one cannot trust another in this world, HE is our confidence. 

Let us not be discouraged by people, and this world, rather take courage and draw our strength from our GOD, to love the people HE has put in our lives, and to become a strength unto many who need help. The Bible says in Mathew 15:14, “You are the light of the world”, Our GOD has not given us a spirit to hide and be dim, but has made us the light of the world, so whatever may be our situation, let us shine for JESUS today.


One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    27 Jun 2020 07:56:01 Reply

    Praise God. This verse for me thank you Lord the hope you have given this Bethel AG, Pastoral team, pg brothers and sisters and all volunteers and believers at large.
    I’m excited some one can priase, honour and worship now and forevermore.
    Thank you Heavenly Father for your love…. Amen

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