A hymn of praises to God


Jude 1:24 – Unto him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. (KJV)

Recently an image was circulating on the internet of a building built on a high cliff, with only a part of it on solid ground, with the remaining part of the structure in the air, showing the people falling below it, straight into the bottom of the cliff – a very sad picture.

This verse is the perfect antidote to such a deadly end. Our God, the Creator of all things, our everlasting Father in heaven sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to keep us from falling. Falling into sin, distress, disobedience, loss of faith, mistakes, sorrow.  Jesus is the only one able to keep us from falling, he is strong, powerful, able, capable, he loves us, he wants us, he fights for us, he holds us, he intercedes for us, he shed his blood for us, he died for us.

Jesus the son of God takes hold of us, forgives our sins, wipes our tears away, gives us a hope and a future, changes our destiny, writes our name in the book of life.  Our Jesus puts a new garment on us, then he presents us faultless, blameless, washed in his blood, before the presence of his glory.

And we, the redeemed, purchased and owned by our mighty Savior, will feel exceeding joy when we will be with “a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb”, forever being in the presence of our God, to whom all praise is due!


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