A lifestyle of praise


Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.
Hebrews 13:15

In all honesty, let us agree that not all our prayers were answered, God did not give us everything that we wanted, so then what do we do in times of trial and tribulations? We sometimes, get angry with God, turn our backs against God, lose faith in God. Well here’s the difference-maker, as children of God we possess a powerful weapon called praise, it confuses the enemy of our soul.

We always have a choice, we can either choose to sulk over our situation or turn our battlefield into a courtyard of praise. It is true that life on this earth is full of misery and pain but the choices we make during these crucial stages is what determines where our heart lies and in whom we trust. To think of how our mind is always at work, especially when we have to overthink when all is not well, we can very well reason why we are becoming what we spend our time thinking on. This famous quote suggests “Where the mind goes, the man follows”, this is exactly where we mustn’t find ourselves, because the truth is, as children of God we are set apart from the rest of the world. We are led by faith and not fear.

Its time we remind ourselves that we are called to surrender and please only God and not people or things of the world. Praising and placing our trust in God alone, offering ourselves as a living sacrifice to the creator who deserves all the praise, honour and glory.


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