A New Birth


Psalm 71:6
By thee have I been holden up (upheld) from the womb: thou art he that took me out of my mother’s bowels (womb); my praise shall be continually of thee.

Only Jesus can give you a new birth.

Only Jesus can give you a new life.

Only Jesus can give you a renewed mind and only Jesus can give you a pure heart.

All of this is only possible when you decide to know Jesus. When we walk this world every day, we are inspired and influenced by so much around us. Like everything, give Jesus a chance too. Allow him once to birth in you a new you. You will fail to recognise the old and everything around you will create a new joy, a new hope, a new love. A new freshness towards life will envelope your being; and all death will be taken away forever. Choose life!


One Comment

  1. Prema kalaiselvan
    28 Jun 2019 16:27:31 Reply

    ‘Decide to know Jesus’ is opening vistas towards life with out death. What a privilege… awesome God you are portrayed, praised, and exalted.

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