A New Covenant


Psalms 100:5

For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, And His truth endures to all generations.

Millenniums ago the Lord made a covenant with Abraham to multiply him greatly, such that his descendants would be like the stars in the sky.

The very day that God promised a son in Isaac, Abraham was asked to circumcise every male in his household as a sign of God’s chosen people. It was to be a physical expression of chastisement, a promise made by God’s people to keep themselves holy for His use.

Millenniums passed, and the significance of circumcision faded into just another ritual. There was a desperate need for a ground-breaking, curtain tearing, cross-bearing covenant – a covenant of divine blood that would set things right between God and mankind.

And, thus, a king was born, to give us that precious blood, through which anyone could have a covenant with God. He was hurt physically, emotionally and spiritually on the cross so that we wouldn’t have to go through any pain to have a covenant with God.

Does that mean we don’t have to do anything at all? That would seem too easy and would greatly reduce the value of Jesus’ blood, wouldn’t it?

Today, we’re called to circumcise our spirit. No more ritualistic circumcisions! There is no way to ritualistically circumcise the spirit. And there is no other way to feel the full power of Jesus’ blood!

God has given us the code to strengthen our network with Him, by the plugin of spiritual circumcision, through which the blood of Jesus is activated to establish a perpetual connection between God and mankind.

Yes, God loved us so much that He gave His only Son to die for us and make a way for the entirety of mankind, from generation to generation, to have access to His mercy.


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