A New Release


Matthew 6:14

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 

‘Hurt’ is a state everyone is familiar with. More so, emotional hurt. Some even go to the extent of saying, “I’ve forgiven, but not forgotten.” The struggle in trying to forgive someone is directly proportional to the intensity of hurt caused.

The Word of the Lord says IF you forgive…your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. But aren’t we all forgiven through the blood of Christ?!!! Does this mean that if I haven’t forgiven someone, I am not forgiven???!!!

First and foremost, what is your forgiveness driven by-is it fear or love? Anyone who has truly experienced the wholesome forgiveness of Christ is able to release the same to others. But he who can’t release is under bondage himself. This leads to indifference, if not bitterness and resentment, directly affecting your relationship with the Lord. He who receives Christ has already received forgiveness through the Cross of Calvary, there is no denying this. But he who is unable to forgive is contributing to the rift between the Father and himself. True forgiveness is when you have let go, giving up any feelings of vengeance and replacing it with the merciful love received in Christ. It may not be easy, you may have learned a very difficult lesson at a very high price, but the grace of the Lord is made abundant in your weakness. Your spiritual, emotional and physical healing is also tied to this. The best way is to begin is by praying for that person. The best time is now. The best place is here. May the Lord make all grace abound to you and strengthen you as you release and experience a new freedom in Christ!


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