A New year and a New YOU


A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones: Proverbs 17:22 

Our attitude determines our altitude, is such a profound and true statement. The verse herein from the Holy Bible is reiterating the power of our attitudes and thoughts. We have entered a new year, this year will be filled with many successes as well as challenges, but how are you going to handle your situations, will define your character as a child of GOD. 

Let us train our hearts and mind to be an instrument of love and healing, rather than being a tool of carrying offenses, hatred, and unforgiveness. Let us train our hearts to be joyful, irrespective of the circumstances being good or bad. When we practice this Joyfulness in our lives, Christ’s peace that surpasses all understanding will dwell within our hearts. 

Bitterness, hatred, unforgiveness, vengefulness, and such negative attitudes, break our spirit within and affects our health, it is a well-known fact that our mental health affects our physical health. So this new year, let us promise ourselves to leave the negative baggage of the past years and not to carry them to this new Year, and let GOD revive you into a newness of life, after all, HE MAKES ALL THINGS NEW. Amen


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