A Perfect Man


That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither– whatever they do prospers. Psalms 1:3

This verse talks about the person whom everybody knows as the Psalms 1 man, just like a Proverbs 31 woman. This man is a person who keeps a perfect and unwavering heart towards God, a character every christian should strive for. 

This man’s ways are perfect and directed by the Lord because he keeps his heart towards God still. God extravagantly talks about this man’s prosperity, because He pleases God in every way. 

But who is this so close to perfect, God-pleasing man? 

Well, it could be you! or your office colleague, or your wife, or even your child! A person who pursues God wholeheartedly is a man after His own heart, it doesn’t require any rank or accolades. 

This Psalms describes a man who pursues God, takes delight in Him, and remains unwavering in His commitment towards Him. No man is born like this, but a man who cultivates his or her character in this way in the pursuit of Christ is a man who is perfect.

God calls us to be holy and perfect like him and that begins by abiding in him daily and meditating on his Word.

So, let’s put our best efforts to be a perfect man, for with our God ‘nothing is impossible.’


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