A Pleasing Aroma!


 1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness

All of us who call ourselves believers or sons and daughters of the Lord know that sin is the only hindrance in our walk with the Lord. Even after being welcomed into his Grace we are confronted on a daily basis with temptation and issues we have to deal with on a day – to – day basis. We get to choose. Choice was something God gave Adam and Eve even in the Garden of Eden and what did they do with this choice.

We know that as being called heirs of his kingdom we do have the privilege to come to his throne and repent and seek for his forgiveness. Today, the world is surrounded by glamour and gold shinning its way across our lives in various ways. At times we falter and fall in the midst of all this; and at times we wake up to his call and try repenting again. The Lord did not die on the cross for our sins time and time again. He did it only once. But we who profess to be born in the image of God should be ashamed of the fact that we nail our Jesus to the cross all the time. By the way we think, we speak, we hear. All our faculties are the Lord’s and so much careful we ought to be how we use it and how we admonish each other to bring to our minds that we are forgiven and cleansed by the blood of the lamb.

Let us not take it for granted the gift of life we have been given and let us remind ourselves that we do not only have life but have life to the fullest. It‘s only up to us to choose and decide for ourselves what kind of life we lead or what lifestyles have we adopted. Is it a pleasing aroma unto the Lord?



  1. Ramakrishna
    14 Jul 2018 08:16:00 Reply

    Yes, indeed our Lord bore our inequities.He gave His life to all of us. Thank God we are wonderfully and fearfully created by His grace we are alive His spirit leads us into His righteous. Thank you Heavenly daddy we give all the glory and honour to you Amen

  2. Ray Vincent
    14 Jul 2018 11:04:55 Reply

    As believers we must guard our God given life of grace by fighting against all temptations; The foundation of a godly life is a strong foundation in the Word of God! On a practical sense, a victorious believer will spend good amount of time learning His Word! May each one of us spend more time reading and understanding God’s word!

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