A Promise with a Reward!


Exodus 20:12

Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.

Sia’s parents had divorced, a pain that tugged at her heart often, even after she was married. Whenever her dad or mom dropped by for a visit, she was always curt with them. She thought of them as parents who didn’t work too hard to keep their marriage, fell short in their parenting and didn’t save up much for their kids.

The Bible, at least 8 times says, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ the first time being a part of the Ten Commandments. There are no ‘conditions apply’ to this, but there is a beautiful culmination to this-the promise that states you will have a long life and all will go well with you in the land that the Lord will give you. That means, the Lord calls us to honor our parents irrespective of whether they are honourable or not-treat them with respect, esteem and courtesy. Not all have experienced the best parents; some have been ill-treated, rejected, neglected, abused, controlled, demeaned and looked down upon. Sometimes, their age and age related issues become a burden to deal with. As such, honouring them is a struggle. Yet, the Lord reinstates again and again, in the Old Testament and the New, that even though we may not be directly under the authority of our parents, we are commanded to honour our parents.

If you are finding it a strain to keep this command, come before your Heavenly Father, pour out your heart to Him, ask Him forgiveness for all those times you’ve spoken disrespectfully to your parents, or undervalued them or had negative feelings towards them. Ask Him to fill your heart with love that looks beyond their imperfections, just like the Lord has looked beyond yours. Let His grace flow in your life so that you will have the humility and strength to let your parents know that they are valued!



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