A Renewed Heart


Ezekiel 36:26 NKJV

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”

Poor choices, bad decisions, and consequently an unfruitful life not only cause grief for a season but also change the perception of an individual -sometimes impacting their behaviour and feelings for life. While some endure the brief season of pain or use a distraction, others tend to harden their hearts to stop feeling any emotion that comes their way.

The Bible commands us to be wise and discerning. However, hardening our hearts would prevent us from experiencing, not only human emotions but also what God intends for us to feel as living beings. The heart of the stone mentioned in today’s verse represents a hardened, unyielding heart that resists the transformation God intends to bring. Submission to the Holy Spirit includes yielding emotionally and opening our hearts to God’s influence – to glorify His Name in every action.

We can see God’s beautiful heart in His promise when He says He will remove the heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh. His desire for intimacy is far beyond our stubbornness and He is willing to heal us, even if the pain is caused by our selfish desires to go against the Creator. Let us remember the never-ending kindness of our Lord and rely on the fact that He wants to bless, heal, and provide for us in all circumstances.


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