A Stronghold in the day of trouble!


Nahum 1:7 The LORD is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him.

Nahum was a Jewish prophet whose name means ‘consolation’ or ‘comforter’. God’s word today through Nahum promises the people of God that He is “a stronghold in the day of trouble, refuge for those who trust Him, and comfort for His people.” This verse  comforts us during our troubled times, strengthens us to move forward and always encourages us.

If we are struggling today with the issues of life, let us remind ourselves that God’s power is made available to us. He stands like a tower beside us to shield us and protect us. Like the walls of Jerusalem protects the people inside, we are covered and protected by Lord Jesus.(Psalm 125:2)

It is in our places of personal strength that we usually fail, for we are so prone to trust in ourselves and not feel the need of the Lord’s strength. Proverbs 3:5-6 tell us to Trust in HIM alone for every need of ours.  Remember that our God knows those who trust in Him!! The Lord Jesus promised us that His grace would be sufficient to sustain us, no matter what difficulties we encounter. When we are weak, He is strong. 

Dear Friend, no matter what you are facing today, we must always remember that the LORD is good and a stronghold in difficult times. He knows those who have taken refuge in Him. Those who trust in Him must always remember that Christ has already won the victory at the Cross for us.

Blessed day today!


One Comment

  1. Ruth
    01 Oct 2021 03:54:20 Reply

    Praise the Lord- our strong tower if refuge and strength. May all those who are in need of His protection and comfort ( just as we are) recieve the Living Lord’s touch and experience His peace! Shalom and may God bless your Ministry in reaching out to the needy people of God! Thank you…

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