A Trumpet Blast



Psalm 30:4 (NKJV) “Sing praise to the Lord, you saints of His, and give thanks at the remembrance of His holy name.”


In Israel, when a trumpet blasts, one of the reasons is to call and gather everyone at the place of worship. Today’s verse is like a signal, to come worship God, to lay off any lethargy, complacency and apathy we may have. We, who are ransomed of God are called saints, have been asked to sing praises to God and not remain silent.

David used every occasion to glorify and give thanks to God. He encourages us to focus on God who is holy and perfect, to get our eyes off our problems and self.  Although David starts this Psalm in solo version, it was not enough to praise God alone, he calls on the ‘faithful of God’ to join in worship.

Who do we worship and why?

We worship the One who turns our mourning into dancing and removes our sackcloth, clothes us with joy. The God who answers us when we pray, One who provides healing, delivers us from danger and death. God who created everything and everyone. The One who loves us forever and demonstrates His love for us that while we were yet sinners, Lord Jesus Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8). God never leaves us even though we might feel alone. God sees everything and nothing can be hidden from Him. God makes plans for our life that give us a future and a hope.

Let’s worship this awesome God with an overflow of praise!


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