A Well-Watered Tree


Psalm 1:3 – “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”

It’s common knowledge that trees need water to grow. A tree that doesn’t get enough water will soon shrivel up, stop bearing fruit and eventually die. In much the same way, we need the Word of God to sustain us daily. Today’s verse outlines the three-fold blessing of a person who walks with the Lord and delights in His Word.

1. Bear fruit in season: Even if it feels like your efforts aren’t bearing fruit now, they will at the right season. Don’t give up yet. Stand firm in faith and you will be blessed.

2. Leaves will not wither away: Leaves are the food factories of the plant – the essence of a plant’s life. As you feed on God’s Word, it will nourish your spiritual life and help you grow wiser and stronger.

3. Whatever you do will prosper: When the Word of God fills your soul, you will start walking in the paths God has marked out for your life. When you obey God’s voice, the works of your hand will prosper.

Stay true to your faith, meditate on God’s Word daily and see a fruition of His promises in your life.
