
Psalm 37:4

Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Mekia watched as her son, Michael opened his Christmas gift. He wondered what it could be…and would ever have guessed. “A cellphone!!! Really???!!! Mom, I love you!” he screamed with delight. There was so much to explore that he just couldn’t wait to start using it. It was like there was a world waiting to be explored. All he wanted to do now was spend time on the cellphone.

Pretty much like the spiritual world. If we only could comprehend that Jesus came down to earth not only so we could be saved, but also so that we could experience and manifest heaven on earth. If a small little cellphone can have an entire world locked up in it, how much more is the kingdom of the Lord!

We see the many fancies of life and have deep longings for them-a beautiful car, a lavish house, branded clothes, destination holidays, fancy furniture, latest gadgets, etc. The Lord surely wants to give the best to His children, and waits for us to come into His presence and spend time with Him. What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard-things never discovered or heard of before; what no mind has conceived, things beyond our ability to imagine-these are the things God has in store for those who pursue His presence.

When you delight in the Lord, you begin to mediate on His Word day and night. You are excited when you feel His very presence, thrilled when you know that the Spirit has inspired you, ecstatic when you’ve received His revelation. There is so much He is wanting and waiting to speak to you…are you ready to delight in HIM?


One Comment

  1. Ray
    30 Dec 2018 19:53:51 Reply

    Good one as we end 2018, May we all seek His kingdom above all else in 2019;

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