Agape Love


The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord , endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.
Psalms 138:8 NKJV

Jesus bore our sins and was treated as we deserve, so that we might be treated as He deserves. While His earnest sacrifice reconciled us with the Father, there’s a lot more that happens between, us accepting Jesus as our Lord and saviour until we see Him face to face.

Psalms 138:8 explains how God is concerned with all that concerns us. He will see to it that none of our precious things shall fail of completion-our life, our strength, our hopes, they shall all be perfected. Nonetheless, as a child of God accepting correction from the Father can push us to all kinds of extremes. While some of them may struggle to connect with God as their Father, a few others bind themselves with guilt and strayaway from the privilege God so freely gave us. Therefore understanding God’s love for us is very important. God’s love is the kind of agape love that is unconditional, perfect and holy.

For His mercies are anew every morning and it endures forever and gives us hope. However our confidence does not mean we can live without prayer and submission. As compassionate and merciful God is, He is also holy and righteous. If an earthly parent chooses to correct their child, how much more will our heavenly Father be invested in our lives. Let us intentionally surrender our lives to God as He changes us from the inside out.


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