Answer to Prayer Assured


John 14:13
“And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”

In context “Whatever” in the above scripture refers to “works” and “greater works” of John 14:12. However, this also specifies that we are privileged to bring our petitions to the Holy one in Jesus’ name.

We pray in His name; that is, we pray under the authority of what Jesus did for us and all that He represents. We ask according to all that corresponds to who and what He is (1 Jn 5:14-15). It is to ask according to His will. Our petitions are based on who and what Jesus is.

Answer to the prayer is assured because whatever we ask in Jesus’ name gives the Father glory or manifests Him to the world. The purpose of prayer is that the Father will be glorified in the Son.

Jesus is our Mediator. He will answer prayer as our Intercessor. To pray in Jesus’ name is a great responsibility. We cannot take it lightly. Whatever we ask of God, it must glorify Him. Our prayer must be consistent with the Lord’s will. The main point of prayer is not getting something for ourselves but to glorify God.

Genuine prayer is not selfish but true prayer places its interest in the advancement of the cause of Christ. All our prayer must be in harmony with the will of God or in accordance with everything Jesus stands for (“in My name”). God will certainly answer this kind of prayer.

Blessed Day Ahead.



  1. Ruth. Sweeny
    02 Jul 2021 12:56:17 Reply

    My thanks and praise always their for the day. God know me and my heart. Try to do good and follow, God word. Teach my children to obey God’s word and sing. Help others. Give to others.

  2. G Goutham
    02 Jul 2021 13:01:32 Reply

    May God bless our church & community
    I next hope for works and our job to fill the kingdom of God. Ame.

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