In this world of uncertainty and constant change, it is impossible not to be anxious. When you have to go to sleep not knowing what the future may hold, usually the sleep won’t be good. Uncertainty builds anxiety, whether that uncertainty is imaginary or realistic.
The Lord Jesus Christ never evaded the issues of anxiety caused by troubles in the world. HE went on to tell his disciples “in this world you will have trouble”. Many people come to the Lord Jesus assuming that, in the Lord Jesus they will have no trouble, but the Lord Jesus promised the opposite and commanded the most difficult response- “be of good cheer”.
How are we supposed to be of “good cheer” when trouble is guaranteed?
Well, the answer is “I have overcome the world”. Explaining this in further detail the Holy Bible tells us “Christ in us is the hope of glory”.
The mind can never have peace unless something greater than the troubles around us is within us. The Holy Bible reminds us that Christ Jesus in us is the hope of glory. It is important to rely on Christ in us! He not only calms the waves and the storms, but he also gives us discernment, inner strength, opportunities and miracles which only he can do. It is a criminal mistake to ignore “Christ in us” and devote too much attention on the trouble outside.
A few practical tips or exercises that may help you refocus instead of being distracted with anxiety. Whenever you are filled the toxic fear try the following things for an immediate relief:
- “Look” for 5 things you can see: Look around you what’s on the table, something good about a friend, a family member who is very special, a unique possibility about the future, or just the wonderful creation of God that you see as you look into the mirror.
- “Listen” to the 4 things you can hear: Maybe good music, or the sound of your own confession of faith, a conversation with family or friend, hear yourself singing your favourite song.
- “Feel” three things you can touch: The picture of a loved one who is absent, a hobby that you can review, the Holy Bible that you can pick up and read.
- “Try” at least 2 things that you can taste: Taste a good special cookie or a meal, a unique favourite drink.
- “Enjoy” something you can smell: The freshness of the new room, new paint or a new fragrance.
Be good to yourself and treat yourself with dignity. The Lord Jesus values you. That’s obvious because HE died for you on a cross to save you from hell and give you eternal life. HE looks forward to eternity with Him in heaven, a life beyond the grave. God thinks you are important. Your creator knows you are special, You are unique. Handle yourself with some kindness and do something special for yourself, especially when you are bombarded by waves of anxiety. Some of my suggestions include,
- Eating a delicious meal of a portion that doesn’t make you feel guilty.
- Take time to just stretch and give yourself the soothing of gentle exercise.
- Listen to a beautiful story or read something that benefits you.
- Take a walk, a stroll with no agenda on mind, just take yourself out on a “date with yourself” over a coffee.
- Make a list of things you like about yourself.
Please add your personal thoughts to the list. There is plenty for a mind to focus and there is no need to be anxious. There is no need to dwell on fear. Just worship HIM. “For in this world, you will have trouble, but be of good cheer -for I have overcome the world” – Lord Jesus Christ.
I was started following his ceremonies since covid wave 1,my life has changed a lot. Now my anxiety has gone .now I’m abled to pray and worship better. He connected me with Heavenly Father. Now I’m enjoying my life Jesus alone. Yes I’m also going through so many fluctuations, but I’m very happy to say this I can beat any temptation in Jesus name. Now I’m seeing so many answers to my prayers,finally I’m not only a Christian but I knew my God.
I’ve been facing lots of struggles in my life, I think too much about my future, some times I don’t know how to overcome with this anxiety, but whenever I heard Pastor Johnson V speech I feel relaxed. This blog gives me positive energy and I know my God is bigger than my problems he will strengthen me.
Thank you for this blog, pray for me, God bless you.
Dear pastor,
Kindly share few good things about marital relationships between husband and wife.
Wow!!! Truly inspiring ….during this uncertainty looking up at the master and saying it with faith “Because he lives, I can face tomorrow ” !!
Thank you so much for these teaching of the Bible, Pastor. It’s my birthday today I feel so grateful and thankful to Our Creater who has overcome the world and we don’t need to fear about anything. Keep me in your prayers. I’m more than happy that this blog started on my birthday. As I’m starting a new year with such overwhelming God’s word from you I thank you from the bottom of my heart for guiding us always. I pray for you and your familys’ health, peace and happiness. May God Bless You and the whole team.
Thank you so much for this devotional!!! It really lifted me up…. pls do continue such devotionals , it’s a great way to start the day with the Lord.
Oh dear Pastor
There is nobody who can give such spiritual other than you seen in this holy ministry.
May be we missed in our life the true message what we should had all our life
Anyway by Gods grace, almost at end of our life, We have found the leader who can lead us into spiritually rich life ,truly we confess,
May God give you and family long healthylife for many sinners will be converted and understand the power of holy spirit in our life
Many many thanks Pastor.
Thnq brother for ur motivation and pwrfull word of God..as i said bfr m facing a lot of anxiety and fear..evry one left us ..m bcming alone with children….truly brother whenvr i read r l’zn ur words..m strnthnd..plz pray for us..thnq brother
Awesome inspiration .. timely and very thoughtful and practical suggestions. Thank you Pastor😊🙏