Appointed for Salvation


1 Thessalonians 5:9 – “For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

The word ‘salvation’ isn’t one we use colloquially. However, it’s a term that’s mentioned quite a lot in the Bible. When the Bible says we are appointed to obtain salvation, what does it mean? The dictionary meaning of ‘salvation’ is: to be saved or delivered from harm, ruin, or loss. When referred to in the Bible, salvation means to be delivered from sin and its consequences.

We know that all of us have sinned and fallen short in some way or the other (Romans 3:23). None of us is perfect. Our sins should have led to death but God gave us the gift of eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 6:23). He took our sin upon Himself and died in our place (1 Peter 2:24). Jesus Christ took the punishment that we deserved. And when He rose again, He conquered sin and death once and for all. We are no longer prisoners of our past; we live in the hope that we’ll join our Lord in Heaven one day.

When things go awry in life, it may be tempting to think God is punishing you. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Take a minute to go back and read today’s verse.  God doesn’t intend to punish you. He wants you to be saved by our Lord Jesus Christ. When you confess your sins and repent, God is faithful to save you. Don’t give up on your faith. God will deliver you.



  1. Esther
    17 Jun 2020 07:07:27 Reply

    Praise God, thank You Jesus for speaking to me. The messages and prayers have been a blessing to my family and I will continue to follow for more God’s words and teaching. I too pray that our Lord Jesus will uphold the overall ministry to bring more blessing to people around the world and to create an inspiration in their families and community. Amen.

  2. Debhora Whittaker
    17 Jun 2020 11:47:22 Reply

    Thank u pastor for ur encouraging daily devotions
    Pls pray for my husband and eldest son to come closer to god and pls pray for them as they go to work pls pray for for my health as I got a little breathlessness

  3. Ramakrishna
    17 Jun 2020 12:15:19 Reply

    Praise be God.Life is to enjoy, not to suffer. Enjoying life is to rejoice in the Lord. Whatever temptation, trials comes to us defeat evil through our Lord Jesus Christ. Because, He took our inequities and borne our pains.
    Now I realise sin and its consequences are horrible. I am reaping whatever i sowed in the past.But God gave me His eternal peace. The peace that brings eternal life. I am confident I will be with the one day. Hallelujah Amen.

  4. Ramakrishna
    17 Jun 2020 12:20:39 Reply

    Praise God Pastor. daily devotions are encouraging and brings confidence back with the Lord.Please pray for my elder daughter for her complete transformation and turn to the Lord. And also for my wife and my two teenage daughters. For their spiritual prosperity. Thank you.

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