Ask! Seek! Knock!


Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you- Matthew 7:7

This verse is a great promise from our Lord. When we read this verse, we see there are three actions that are needed before we receive from the Lord.

We are encouraged to Ask, Seek and Knock. If we meditate on this verse, we see that all three are actions that need to be initiated from our end. Our Father in heaven waits for us to initiate. Before we go into His presence, we need to believe that He is more than enough for all our needs. 

Today, some of us may be at a point where we may be asking God for something for many years. It could be guidance from the Holy Spirit in our ministry and church, for a job, marriage, better health, or any other needs. Do not be discouraged, Our God will provide in His time. It says in Ecclesiastes 3:11 that He has made everything beautiful in its time.

Some of us may be seeking a purpose in our lives, seeking answers to the pain and sorrow around us, or we may be seeking the truth. This verse encourages that anyone who has taken the first step to seek will find it by our Lord’s mercy.

And some may have knocked on many doors that are not yet opened. Each of us may be knocking on a door for a different reason. Let us believe that the right door will open for us according to the will of God.

Let us believe that our God is more than able to take care of all our needs once we take the initiative to sincerely reach out to Him.


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