Power in Praise


Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Amen and Amen. – Psalms 41:13 (NIV)

‘Praise God’ means recognising His exalted position and divine qualities. We express our sincere and profound thanks for who God is and what He has done and is still doing for us through words and deeds. God cherishes it when we thank Him. Today’s devotion will help us better understand why we should praise God.

The Bible commands it, which is why praise and worship are essential. These psalms repeatedly encouraged the believer to praise and magnify the Lord. In the book of Revelation, we read about the worship and adoration of God in heaven by angels, other celestial creatures, the saints and elders.

Praise brings God back into focus and ties our hearts to His. Regardless of the situation, those who praise God experience God’s presence. A worshiper’s life is devoid of worries. When we praise God, we are always overflowing with appreciation. Praising God strengthens our experience of God’s past provision and our faith in His future deliverance. Praising God directs us to seek God instead of relying on our understanding because we trust God.

Adoration and praise makes the throne room of God accessible to us. God will reveal Himself more clearly as we continue to praise and worship. There is power in praise!


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