Authority in Christ


Luke 10:19 – “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

The world around us craves recognition, power and authority. Everybody wants to be in a position where they can lead, manage and make decisions. With the social media craze popping up, there’s an increased culture of wanting to be ‘liked’ and ‘followed’. There’s no dearth of leaders seeking their own popularity, but the number of people who are truly committed to their life’s purpose seems to be dwindling.

In the verse above, we see Jesus bestowing his followers with power and authority from above. This is no ordinary power. This is the same authority Jesus had when He was on the earth – authority to trample the agents of darkness and power to overcome the enemy. But this power isn’t available to just anybody… it’s reserved for those who humble themselves under God’s mighty hand and choose to faithfully follow His will in their lives.

This may be contrary to what the world teaches us, but in order to lead exceptionally in our lives, we must be true followers of Christ. As you spend time building your relationship with Jesus, His character, power and authority starts manifesting in your life. You may face challenges, but nothing can ever harm you. The Holy Spirit will guide you each day and help you overcome every fiery trial that comes your way.
