Be accountable to GOD


Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the Lord. Psalm 4:5

This verse from Psalm 4 is a key to living a balanced Christian life. David has so beautifully captured the essence of a believer’s life. There are two main things that we as children of God must continually do in our life, irrespective of our situation or circumstances, that is, to do what is right in the eyes of God, even if it costs us to do right and secondly to put our trust in God alone. When we keep doing right and offer the sacrifices of righteousness, as we are trusting in the Lord to lead and strengthen us in that path of righteousness, God will surely bless and shower his favor upon us.

King David himself was a great example, who despite his weaknesses always turned back to God and repented. When Saul was chasing David, and David had many chances to kill Saul, he never attempted such an act because he believed that this sacrifice of righteousness, will be a blessing to him in the future. accordingly, we see that God made him the ruler of Israel despite having many years of being chased away from the throne of Israel.

There might be many people who try to offend you, insult you, or try to chase you away from your purposes. But do not give up, keep going in the God-given strength and direction. Keep following the path of righteousness, and see the salvation of God gloriously rest on your life.


One Comment

  1. Nicholas Pink
    04 Mar 2022 05:13:37 Reply

    Thank you Jesus for protecting us. Lord I pray be with us, strengthen our heart in Jesus name I pray Amen 🙏 Hallelujah 🙌

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