Be Wise, Be Happy


Happy is the man who finds wisdom, And the man who gains understanding; Proverbs 3:13

This verse conflicts with the views of a world that promotes happiness by pursuing pleasures to escape pain, failures or worries.

What makes you happy?

According to the media, self-love, which is appreciating one’s worth, leads to a happy life. Some folks believe that a soul mate or true love could be the source of their happiness. Most others seek happiness in their personal or career ambitions, and it abounds when they reach mountaintops of success and recognition. Happiness is everyone’s ultimate dream. 

God’s word says those who discover wisdom and gain understanding are truly happy. Wisdom is not achievable easily; one has to pursue it. Understanding is what one gains and does not lose in the pursuit of one’s life. 

According to King Solomon, wisdom is the fear of the Lord(Proverbs 1:7). Worldly wisdom is limited to fame, relationships, possessions and experiences, while divine wisdom teaches us to look beyond all these. Seeking God’s kingdom first will add all these things to our lives(Luke 12:31). When we wisely follow God’s ways and obey Him completely, true happiness follows.

Let us introspect our lives and find out what makes us truly happy. If it’s in the wrong places, pause and relearn the ways of wisdom. All our trophies and treasures are in vain unless God is the source of our happiness. We cannot afford to lose our souls in the race to gain the whole world(Mark 8:36). Rather than all we do for ourselves, the least we do for God will bring us greater joy. Pursue wisdom and lead a life of happiness. Be wise in the Lord, and be happy!


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