Belief in Christ, Belief in God


John 12:44-45

He who believes in Me, believes not in Me but in Him who sent Me. And he who sees Me sees Him who sent Me.

In these verses, Jesus emphasizes the union between Himself and God the Father. To believe in Christ is to believe in God, and to see Christ is to see God. Jesus represents God’s nature, revealing the Father’s heart and will to humanity. This truth emphasizes the divine connection between the Father and the Son, making belief in Jesus an act of faith in God Himself.

Hebrews 1:3 says, “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His being, sustaining all things by His powerful word.” Jesus perfectly embodies God’s character and essence, serving as the bridge between humanity and God. Furthermore, in John 14:9, Jesus says, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father.” This verse reinforces the idea that in knowing Jesus, we truly come to know God- for He is the visible image of the invisible God.

Understanding this unity strengthens our faith and deepens our relationship with God as believers. It assures us that through Christ, we have direct access to the Father. It helps us align ourselves with His will and purpose for our lives. As ambassadors for His kingdom, we are frequently confronted with questions about the relationship between the Father and the Son. This verse provides a clear answer to this question, which strengthens our faith and equips us to refute false accusations.

Today, let’s reflect on the harmony between Jesus and the Father. By surrendering ourselves and keeping our belief in Christ, we embrace the fullness of God’s revelation and draw closer to His divine presence.


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