Believe and be Blessed


“Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfil his promises to her!” – Luke 1:45 (NLT)

Sometimes, when God assigns tasks, it almost feels crazy insane. God tells Noah, who had never seen rain, to build an arc. God anoints a shepherd teenager as a king. He allows His children to be tested in a burning furnace. We see God assign tasks that seem beyond human capacities. Yet, in the midst of the impossible, we see Him come around to bring His promise to pass.

Mary was one such chosen of God with a crazy task – to be the mother of Jesus. Can you imagine the responsibility of bearing the Son of God? Did she think she was qualified enough for it? Did she not worry about being ostracised by society? Oh! And God’s timing. Just before her marriage!

I am sure she did. Mary was human like you and me, a girl of tender age. But her faith in God was more robust than her obstructions. She believed God knew what He was doing. Mary placed her trust above what she could see or feel. This belief made her “blessed among women”.

The same is true for you. As a woman, you may feel like you are in an impossible situation. You may be anxious about the opinions and approval of others. The truth is that God has given you His promise. He knows the plans He has for you. In Jeremiah 1:5, God says, “Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you, and before you were born I set you apart and appointed you”. His promises are not a result of your qualification, ability, or righteousness. But His faithfulness and mercy. It is His love to give you the promise. Are you willing to trust Him who made you? Are you ready to believe His Words and be blessed?

Heavenly Father, You made women the perfect helper of man, and on this international women’s day, we thank you for your beautiful creation. Thank you for all the unique gifts and abilities You have given them. We pray that you will help women worldwide to walk in total faith in your promises. Position them to have a clear vision about Your plans and purpose for their life. May Your blessings equip them to handle the seemingly impossible task with grace and mercy. In Jesus name. Amen.


One Comment

  1. Mamatha Kunder
    08 Mar 2022 06:09:06 Reply

    Glory to god.yes he is so faithful in my life.Am thankful to him .

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