Bless The Lord, O My Soul!


Bless the Lord, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the Lord, O my soul- Psalm 103:22

Every place in this universe is under the dominion of our Lord God.  This verse encourages a symphony of worship to our Lord by living and non-living things. It says in Luke 19: 40 that “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” If those that have mouths are quiet, then the inanimate objects will start praising God. Our Lord is the alpha and the omega and all blessing and honor are unto Him. 

Let us think for a moment about our own lives and analyze who or what has dominion in different areas of our lives. For some, it may be skills, money, strength, pride, parents, boss, spouse, or friends. Let us set all that aside. Let our Lord God take dominion in all areas of our lives.

We as humans are the masterpiece of the Lord’s creation. We are different from all the Lord’s creations. We are made in His own image. It is not the physical image but it is our soul that is the image of God. We as the Lord’s greatest creation need to surrender to His dominion.

When we praise Him, It is not our physical bodies but our soul, which is made in the true image of God, praising Him. As it says in John 4:23, Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth.

Today, let us build a lifestyle of praising Him not just by words but from within our soul.


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