Blessed are the Meek


In a world dominated by the strong and powerful, meekness is seen as weakness. Sadly, our culture is quick to label those who are quiet and submissive as ‘weak’. But for believers in Christ, meekness is a strength. Our God paints a beautiful picture of meekness: a person who’s strong yet gentle, unselfish, and kind.

Meekness is the power to absorb adversity and criticism without lashing back. Parallelly, let’s take a look at the meaning of blessed. It’s sometimes understood as ‘joyful’ or ‘happy’; but it also means ‘helped’ or ‘assisted’. ‘Assisted by whom?’ you might ask. In this case, it’s the Lord Jesus.

Meekness was when Jesus prayed for the people who hammered those 9-inch nails into His precious hands and feet. Meekness was when He cried out to His Father asking Him to forgive them. He did all of this so we could become like Him (Phil. 2:8; Rom. 8:29). Meek are the people who wait for the Lord. Wait for what? Wait for breakthrough. Wait for His vengeance. Wait for His victory. Wait for His healing. Wait for His holy will to be done.

A portrait of the Meek (by John Piper):

  1. They trust in God
  2. They commit their way to God
  3. They wait on God
  4. They don’t worry about the wicked

Beloved one, meekness begins when we put our trust in God completely. Today, let us commit our ways to Him. Give Him every anxiety, plan, desire, and worry. Surrender to Him our relationships, jobs, and health. And then, as we wait patiently for the Lord, He will work things out for His glory and for our good.


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