Blessed are You


Psalm 65:4 – “Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple.”

Imagine a sports captain picking players for his school team. He will probably choose only the kids who excel at the game and his friends. On the contrary, when God chooses citizens for His Kingdom, He gives an open invitation to everybody – irrespective of their appearance, attitude or ability. It’s up to us to accept or reject His invitation.

Jesus said in Matthew 22:14 that many are called but few are chosen. Indeed, salvation is a free gift God offers everybody, but only those who accept it are chosen for His eternal kingdom. If you have accepted Jesus’s sacrifice on your behalf and proclaimed Him as Lord of your life, you have been handpicked by God to spend eternity with Him.

You are blessed because God has chosen you. Through the blood of Jesus, you can boldly enter God’s presence and dwell there. When you choose to abide under the shadow of the Almighty God, you will ever be satisfied with His goodness and grace.

Repeat this confession:

Blessed am I because the Lord Almighty has chosen me. God has brought me close to Him, so I can dwell in His courts. I will remain in His presence and be filled with the goodness of the Lord.
